Your professional partner
Are you a medium-sized or large company or a public authority? Do you need comprehensive advice in the areas of RFID and digital identity? Are your areas of application diverse? These include automated laundry dispensing systems in hospitals, student ID cards at universities or forklift control in medium-sized production companies. Then you are at the right place.
We offer you independent and manufacturer-neutral advice for object identification, access control, time recording and much more. We understand your challenges and are only satisfied when you are!
With over 20 years of experience, we are the perfect partner for our customers. Our goal is your success, which we achieve together through independent advice and tailor-made solutions!
Together from the present to the future
You probably know this: A service provider has developed a groundbreaking concept for the further development of the digital identity in your company. Everything looks good. But in practice, the existing payment, time recording and access control systems do not fit together. The principle applies to us: We recommend solutions that complement the current situation and that we can also implement in practice.
We analyze your business processes, include existing solutions where possible in the consultation and recommend a future-proof overall concept. We adapt the chosen solutions to your business environment, not the other way around. Thanks to our many years of experience, we understand both theory and practice for the success of your project.
As consulting experts, we accompany you from the first idea to productive operation. This includes needs assessment, project planning and implementation as well as the acceptance of all systems. In other words: from the analysis of your business processes to the technical details.
Digital identity
Acute need for action on digital identity
The need for action for companies of all sizes is enormous. The traditional workplace is disappearing as employees work in different locations and often use their own devices. Nevertheless, they must be clearly identifiable. Digital identity is becoming more and more diverse: An employee ID card now combines up to 20 applications into one digital identity. At the same time, attack scenarios are becoming more and more sophisticated and complex, which is why security requirements are increasing. To ensure adequate protection, modern technology with high encryption is required.
As efficient as possible, as safe as necessary
A digital identity simplifies the registration process. Employees can concentrate on their tasks without having to worry about logging in all the time. This is made possible by automated processes. In addition, the digital identity with its sensitive personal data must not fall into the wrong hands. It should always remain under the control of the company.
However, even the most modern and secure infrastructure remains vulnerable if all processes are not carefully thought out. Specific processes for ID card production must be defined and implemented, for example with regard to the non-disclosure of data or the life cycle of the ID card. For this reason, it is of great importance to develop a comprehensive concept. In addition to security aspects, process optimization, scalability, investment protection and future security should also be taken into account.
Our commitment
Digital identity is at the core of modern business strategies. The optimisation of business processes associated with it opens up a wide range of opportunities. As specialists in identity management and badge creation systems, we offer independent and professional advice with many years of experience and a high level of expertise. We know how to get the best out of RFID NFC technology, multifunctional corporate badges and digital identity. With our support, you can design your digital systems and data flows to generate business value for your company.
Application area
Without a digital identity, nothing is possible in many businesses today. One common solution is the smart card. It is often used for applications such as time recording, access control, graduated access rights in different departments and company payment systems in canteens.
Before introducing a digital identity, a comprehensive analysis of the initial situation is necessary. This involves looking at the dependencies and interrelationships of a solution, and recording existing technologies, databases, systems, hardware and suppliers. We accompany you every step of the way, from concept creation to implementation and final acceptance.
What can we do for you?
Benefit from our long-standing experience in the fields of RFID, multifunctional ID media and digital identity!
Just get in touch with us now!
Badge personalisation: the importance of in-house production
Der Schutz der Identität Ihrer Mitarbeiter ist von größter Bedeutung, und der beste Weg, dies zu gewährleisten, ist, die Ausweispersonalisierung intern durchzuführen. Der multifunktionale Unternehmensausweis enthält die digitale Identität eines Mitarbeiters, und die Produktion und Verwaltung dieses Ausweises sollten nicht an externe Dienstleister ausgelagert werden. Aber warum ist das so?
Es gibt mehrere Gründe, warum die interne Ausweispersonalisierung bevorzugt werden sollte. Erstens sollen sensible personenbezogene Daten nicht in die Hände Dritter gelangen. Durch die interne Produktion bleibt das gesamte Lebenszyklusmanagement des Ausweises im Unternehmen und ermöglicht eine bessere Kontrolle und Nutzung der digitalen Identität.
Ein maßgeschneidertes Ausweispersonalisierungssystem schützt Ihre Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff und bietet gleichzeitig Effizienz und Transparenz. Es gewährleistet, dass nur die erforderlichen Daten an die entsprechenden Subsysteme weitergegeben werden, und nur autorisiertes Personal hat Zugriff auf diese Daten.
Die interne Ausweispersonalisierung bietet viele Vorteile. Mitarbeiter müssen nicht mehr mehrere Tage oder Wochen auf ihren Ausweis warten, wie es oft bei externen Dienstleistern der Fall ist. Stattdessen erhalten sie ihren Ausweis innerhalb von fünf Minuten und können sofort produktiv weiterarbeiten. Interne Prozesse bleiben intern, und das gesamte Lebenszyklusmanagement des Ausweises liegt in der Verantwortung des Unternehmens. Alle Abläufe können revisionssicher nachvollzogen werden.
Im Falle eines verlorenen Unternehmensausweises ist der potenzielle Schaden minimal. Ein autorisierter Verantwortlicher kann mit einem Klick ein Zertifikat für ungültig erklären und den verlorenen Ausweis automatisch deaktivieren. Da alle Informationen im Unternehmen vorliegen, kann die Smart Card, einschließlich RFID-Informationen, PKI-, PC-Login- und Verschlüsselungsdaten, leicht mit einem geänderten Zertifikat neu produziert werden.
Our commitment
As specialists in identity management and badge personalisation systems, we bring your badge personalisation and management to the cutting edge of technology. You have a complete overview of the use of each multifunctional corporate badge at all times. Optimised business processes allow your employees to focus on their tasks, and we ensure that workflows are adapted to your specific requirements.
Area of application
Employee ID cards are nowadays used by almost all larger companies and public authorities. A central aspect here is the security of the badges, both in terms of their production and their features. A high level of encryption is of fundamental importance.
Together with you, we define the processes for badge personalisation. We establish the requirements to ensure the integrity of personal data at every step of the badge personalisation process. We advise you on the implementation from production to issuing to employees and decide together which data needs to be distributed. If required, we can also support you directly in the production of badges.
Powerful ID management software is a fundamental requirement for badge personalisation. We recommend our flexible toolbox IDfunction, a platform for all card production processes.
For smooth long-term use, the hardware components should be carefully selected. We support you in the selection of suitable media, badge printers and accessories.
RFID solutions
Profit from our extensive and long-standing experience in RFID NFC technology, multifunctional corporate ID cards and digital identity!
- Complete solution
We like to think outside the box.
Your requirement does not start with the completed tender and does not end as soon as the acceptance is signed. - Modernisation
Being satisfied with the status quo can come at the expense of competitiveness.
Take advantage by adopting future-proof systems. - Migration
The seamless transition between identification technologies and the adaptation of various interfaces are among our core competencies. - Software and hardware
When it comes to RFID, we offer the appropriate product for every need. Our focus is on the highest quality and reliability.
Are you looking for a customised and innovative RFID solution for your company?
Do you want to optimise an existing solution?
Would you like to migrate a proven system to a modern technology platform?
Then we should talk together!
Benefit from our extensive and long-standing experience in multifunctional ID cards and card systems. Take advantage of our extensive know-how in hardware and software development.
Our work begins with a thorough analysis: What are your goals? What hardware and software are already in use in your company? What works well? Where are the problems? How can modern RFID technology improve your processes?
Once we understand you, your company and your infrastructure, we develop an individual RFID concept for you that covers everything from badges and readers to data transmission and integration into your existing concept.
▶ All-inclusive turnkey solution.
Integrate us as part of your team and involve us seamlessly in every phase of the project.
We’ll make sure your project is delivered within the agreed budget and timeframe.
▶ Requirements
“Where do I start?” We support you even before the project actually starts.
Avoid mistakes and benefit from competent and dedicated contacts who will help you identify the right approach.
▶ Possible solutions
“What options are available?” We have already successfully implemented numerous customer projects as complete solutions and draw on a wealth of experience. Together with your team, we select the optimal path to the desired solution.
▶ Concept
“How will my preferred solution approach be implemented?” Through our professional concept work, we provide you with detailed answers.
Of course, we also have experience in project implementation and do not stop at theoretical concepts.
▶ Implementation
“Do I have to implement the concept alone?” No. With our experienced team, we are happy to take responsibility for the implementation of your project. Together with you, we will achieve the goals you set.
▶ Keep your infrastructure up to date!
With constant technological advances, it can be difficult to keep up.
Our experts can help you modernise your existing systems to increase your competitiveness.
▶ Inventory
“What do we already have?” We analyse your existing systems and identify areas where improvements are needed.
In doing so, we take into account your specific requirements and goals.
▶ Optimisation
“How can we optimise our systems?” Our experts develop customised solutions to improve your existing systems and increase your operational efficiency.
▶ Integration
“Can we integrate different systems?” Yes – We can!
We help you seamlessly integrate different technologies and interfaces to ensure smooth communication and collaboration.
▶ Security for the future
“How do we stay up to date?” We ensure that your systems are flexible enough to integrate future technological developments. This way you remain competitive and can react to changes.
▶ Upgrade your identification technology!
If you want to switch from older identification technologies to modern RFID technology, we support you in the seamless migration.
▶ Inventory
“What do we currently have?”: We analyse your existing identification technologies and evaluate the possibilities of a migration.
▶ Planning
“How can we migrate?” Our experts develop a detailed migration plan that ensures a smooth transition from the old to the new technology.
▶ Implementation
“How do we implement the migration?” With our experienced team, we put the migration plan into action and support you in implementing the new RFID technology.
▶ Training and support
“What happens after the migration?” We provide training for your staff to ensure they can make the most of the new technology. In addition, we continue to assist you with support services.
▶ The best combination of RFID software and hardware!
We offer a wide range of RFID software and hardware solutions to meet your specific requirements.
▶ Software
Our RFID software solutions include systems for data acquisition, management and analysis. We also offer custom software development to meet your individual requirements.
▶ Hardware
Our range of RFID hardware includes readers, tags, antennas and other components. We carefully select high-quality products to provide you with a reliable and high-performance RFID infrastructure.
▶ Beratung und Integration
Our experts can advise you on selecting the right software and hardware components and help you integrate them seamlessly into your existing infrastructure.
Contact us today and let us work together to develop a customised RFID solution for your business. We look forward to helping you!
RFID services
RFID service – Reliable and solid!
Workflows and processes
We develop IT strategies for your company that optimise and integrate your processes and workflows. Our RFID service offers flexible interfaces for data exchange with suppliers and partners as well as the highest possible automation of the associated processes. These are essential success factors in modern industry, which we consider our expertise!
To prepare for the general modernisation of the business world, it is crucial to be able to digitally represent as many data points, processes and workflows as possible. Once optimally implemented, stakeholders in the value chain, such as partners, suppliers and customers, can be digitally integrated. With our RFID service, you can do just that!
Use of the data
The digital data collected and available can bring great benefits to you and your business if used strategically. We create interfaces both within your company’s systems and globally in order to be able to use the right data in the right place and at the right time. This ensures maximum user-friendliness and effectiveness.
Transparency in your company
An organised IT strategy in your company creates an overview and saves time and money. A comprehensive and controlled digitisation process allows you to easily understand operational data. Weaknesses and opportunities such as bottlenecks or unused resources become visible, enabling timely responses.
Smart environment | industry 4.0
By combining digitised processes with RFID expertise, numerous operations in your company can be intelligently optimised. Whether it’s collecting operational data or object identification in the manufacturing process, there are countless applications for contactless identification in the business environment. Contact us and let us guide you to an intelligent environment!
Smart environment | industry 4.0Our promise
As specialists in identity management and credential issuing systems, we have a wide range of solutions to offer. Take advantage of our extensive and broad experience in RFID NFC technology, multifunctional corporate badges and digital identity. We are confident we can find the right solution for your needs.
Our software products
Link to: Software ID-Management
Intelligentes ID-Management evolutionID – ID-Management

Link to: Software ID-Management
AI based photo acquisition evolutionID – ID-Management

Link to: Software ID-Management
RFID coding tool evolutionID – ID-Management

Link to: Software ID-Management
Mobile credential solution evolutionID – ID-Management

Link to: Software ID-Management
Analysis tool for RFID media evolutionID – ID-Management