Unser Tech-Stack
- Python as the main programming language
- Flask as the web framework
- SQLAlchemy as the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for interacting with databases
- MQTT/Websocket for real-time communication
Front end:
- Typescript as the main programming language
- React as the UI library
- Redux as the state management library
- Formik as the form management library
- Tailwind CSS as the CSS framework
- .NET Standard for creating libraries that run on any .NET implementation
- WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) for building desktop applications for Windows OS
- .NET Core for building cross-platform apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS
- Nest JS as the server-side Node.js framework
Mobile :
- MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) for building cross-platform mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows
- net for building web applications for the mobile web.
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Wir suchen dauerhaft Unterstützung:
- Softwareentwicklung
- Projektmanagement
- Consulting
Sende Deine Unterlagen an uns: . Bei Fragen kannst Du dich jederzeit unter T: +49 (0) 89 693 102 222 an uns wenden.
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung!
Unsere Software-Produkte
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Intelligentes ID-Management evolutionID GmbH

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KI gestützte Foto Acquise evolutionID GmbH

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RFID Kodierungs-Tool evolutionID GmbH

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Mobile Credential Solution evolutionID GmbH

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Analyse-Tool für RFID-Medien evolutionID GmbH