AI skills in NRW: You can find us here!

AI skills in NRW: You can find us here!

As the central contact point for artificial intelligence (AI), the competence platform KI.NRW published the first interactive AI map for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2020. With over 500 entries, the KI.Landkarte provides a comprehensive overview of the AI location in NRW and creates visibility for AI experts from business, science and research.

ID-Management by evolutionID

You no longer need to search for professional ID management solutions from evolutionID GmbH in NRW: You can easily find us on the digital map of KI.NRW with our AI-supported products directly in the network!

“With us, only the intelligence is artificial”

Of course, the employee photos are processed by our AI-supported software.
With IDfunction, evolutionID offers intelligent ID management with AI-supported functions and a modern, intuitive user interface. IDfunction is a synonym for smart functions with the most modern management of digital identities such as employees, visitors and objects. Dynamic and generic credential management for connected systems such as physical or logical access.

AI for your ID management:

  • Convinced.
  • Gentle on nerves.
  • Saves time.
  • Lowers costs.

Find us easily on the digital map of KI.NRW with our AI-supported products and directly in the network! Our competence in NRW: We are already there and very close to you!

Press contact:

evolutionID GmbH
Nördliche Auffahrtsallee 19
80638 München

About evolutionID:

For more than 20 years, evolutionID has been providing its customers with manufacturer-independent consulting services and designing custom-fit solutions on the topics of RFID, digital identity and Industry 4.0. The established company based in Munich specializes in specific solutions for medium-sized and large customers in industry and public authorities and has even developed its own browser-based identity management system, IDfunction. With seamless process chains for efficient, AI-supported ID card creation and management, evolutionID creates more transparency, increases the level of security and lowers costs. As a full-service provider, evolutionID takes on projects from analysis to consulting and conception through to complete, ready-to-use solutions.